Verbal reasoning 1 :- Coding Decoding

The formal definition of Coding is the process of hiding the meaning of any message and Decoding means to understand the actual meaning of the message.

Coding and Decoding is a very important subject in many comparative examination such as SSC CLG or Campus Recruitment of Engineering so no more further due let's get started.

Before going for the main portion first we have to know about the numbering of alphabets and the opposite pair of each alphabet . So let's see....

And when we count from backward A will be 26 and Z will be 1.You just have to remember this numbers it's just too much important for this chapter. And the opposite pairs are those two alphabets whose addition is 27 . So the Opposite pair alphabets are :- 

AZ , BY , CX , DW , EV , FU , GT , HS , IR , JQ , KP , LO , MN

So the Numbering of Alphabets and the Opposite pair are the main pillars of this chapter so do remember.

So there are mainly 7 types of questions that you can face in the exams so let's see them one by one .

 1) Type 1 :- (Coding with Alphabets in Order)

  You can easily identify these types of question how ?? Let me tell you....

The Coded word will always have one less number of alphabet than the Decoded word......just see the example

So first you have to eliminate the middle alphabet and then try to find the relation between the Coded and Decoded words .

Exercise :- 

Applying the same method code "ONE" . The Options are :- a) EO, b) ON, c) NE 

2) Type 2 :- (Coding with Consonants and Vowels )

    Before jump into this let us consider a little thing . We know there are 5 vowels and if A=1 and U=5 then the numbering will be :-

A=1, E=2, I=3, O=4 , U=5. 

Okay now let's see an example :-

  Now if you understand this properly then do the following exercises by yourself.

Exercise :- A) QUANTITATIVE = ?      B) COMPETITIVE = ?

3)Type 3:- (Coding with Cross header pattern)

       So the main trick of this type of questions goes like this, break the following words like this :-

Break the words containing 5 alphabets like this :-  2     1     2 

Break the words containing 6 alphabets like this :-  3     3 

Break the words containing 7 alphabets like this :-  3     1     3 

Break the words containing 8 alphabets like this :-  4     4

Break the words containing 9 alphabets like this :-  4     1     4

You will understand these divisions after an example ....

Here you can see SMART is a 5 alphabet word so we are breaking it in 2  1  2 pattern and then cross heading it. So let's do some exercises :-

Exercise :- A) COLLEGE ,   B) SCHOOLS.

4)Type 4:- (Coding with Comparison)

Here you will have 3-4 equation like figures and you will be asked to find out the value for a specific number/word/alphabet. Let's see an example.


I hope the process is now clear to you. So let's answer some questions....

Exercise :-  Solve this 

na pa ka ro -----> birds fly very high
ri so la pa -----> birds are very beautiful
ti ne ka bo -----> The parrots can't fly

What is the value of fly ??
Answer = Ka

5)Type 5:- (Coding with Substitution)

         Now this is very simple .You will be given a number of statements you just need to substitute the correct answer with the information provided in the statements. 

So as you can see you just need to substitute the correct answer . Now let's solve a question.

Exercise :-

Hope you understand this type.

6)Type 6:- (Coding with Symbols)

    So here you will be given some codes which are predefined and made of some symbols and you need to replace your word with the given code. 

 See this is how you also need to replace the word with the code . So exercise time ....

Exercise :-

7)Type 7:- (Coding with Numbers)

   In this type you need to use the alphabet numbers and opposite of alphabets to solve the answers .

 Let's solve some questions ......

Exercise :-

                           Okay so this is it hope this blog is somehow helpful and informative and I will be very glad if you solve the questions and write the answers in the comment section and please tell me if you have any prob with any of the topic . Thank you for reading . Keep learning :)

